How To Castle Kingside On Game Pigeon

  1. How To Castle Kingside On Game Pigeon Tn
  2. How To Castle On Game Pigeon

Each player starts with two rooks, one in each of the corners nearest his own side. Like other pieces, the castle captures by occupying the square on which an enemy piece stands. The castle also participates, along with the king, in a special move called castling.

From lay fans to top Grandmasters, more or less everyone in the world of chess feel upset today about the huge number of draws that take place in virtually every classical elite tournament. Too much of theory reinforced by extensive engine work is seemingly rendering the game of chess sterile and lifeless. One therefore wonders what lies in the future of the royal game. Thankfully, solutions are being proposed and some of them are also being welcomed with open arms. The successful organization and popularity of the first FIDE Fischer Random World Championship is a testament to the same. Very recently the legendary Vladimir Kramnik has also proposed a lucrative solution to the problem which surprisingly appears to be even simpler and more efficient than the Fischer Random. Read on to know more.

2 million games in the MillionBase database; Kingside castling is done by 80-81% of the players, and queen side castling by 8-9%. I estimate that Never castled by the end of the game but still has the right to castle is negligible (less than 0.1%, since it requires a very short game). So that leaves about 11% for the final group Lost the right. It also enables us to review great Chess games played by actual Grandmasters and from other Chess players of the past, allowing you to go back over their games and learn from them. Also, learning Chess notation is a must to compose or study Chess problems.

Kramnik says No-Castling chess will ensure more than 50% decisive games at top level play!

Castle Kingside (King e1 to g1). Should work just perfectly. Also go to and check out Sigma Chess. It's a cool program that can be a bit easier than Chess for Mac OS X (if you choose), and you can replay games and stuff. I like it a lot.-Prachi. Many times I'm compelled to play d5, but that gives Jester gaps at c5 and e5. So what I try to do is play the samisch (f3) and then play Ne2 to defend the d pawn instead of playing d5, but then I can't castle kingside because the bishop is stuck behind the knight, so I have to castle queenside, but then my king isn't safe. Grab the king, move it to a square either two to the right or two to the left, depending on which side you are attempting to castle on. OTB, you would then move the rook to the other side of the king; here, the rook moves automatically. You can either click the king and the destination square or drag the king to the destination square. To castle, you move the king to the desired position – if castling is available, the rook will be moved automatically. Castling is not possible if the king or the rook has moved; or if the king is in check; or if one of the squares the king must travel is controlled by an enemy piece.

High drawing percentage has become a menace at top level chess. According to many of the experts and top players, well established theories, particularly in the opening phase of the game, is taking away much of the fun and creativity in chess. In order to combat this problem, the 14th World Champion Vladimir Kramnik has come up with a very interesting suggestion - the No-Castling chess! Everything, just about every rule in it remains the same as in the regular chess. The only change being that the players cannot castle! How does this make things different? Read the following interview where IM Sagar Shah discusses the nuances of this new variant with Kramnik himself.

Sagar Shah (SS): Hi Vladimir, great to have you on the show. You are here to talk about a new variant of chess, how do you call it? Is the the No-Castling chess?

Vladimir Kramnik (VK): Good afternoon and thank you for inviting me. I have honestly not thought about a proper name yet, it is just a proposition at the moment. It was probably proposed even before by Bronstein, I don't know for sure. I mean, I don't claim any copyright on this idea nor do I have any financial interest in it. It is just a concept that I have been fond of for quite some time and since now I have stopped playing chess and we have a certain collaboration with DeepMind, it somehow felt right to explore it more deeply. The whole idea was quite experimental in the beginning but I feel we have done some good work and found some interesting results that ought to be presented to the general public.

Demis Hassabis (left), founder and CEO of DeepMind, plays some friendly blitz against the chess great Vladimir Kramnik | Photo: Demis Hassabis Twitter

SS: Okay, so coming to the core of it, what you are proposing is that let the game of chess remain absolutely the same but you just remove the rule of castling, correct?

VK: Yes. Let me start from the beginning. First of all I have been a professional chess player myself and I have felt this problem more and more at top level play. I would hear this from everybody, they would often complain especially when playing White that they have nothing to play! (laughs) Well, you are supposed to try something at least and create some chances but you have no idea how you are going to do it. We are not talking about advantage anymore, it is just about getting some chances and a reasonable fight. I have faced this problem quite a lot myself. If you see the games I played in the later years, you would notice that I was trying all kinds of things, from 1.Nf3, 1.g3 to 1.d4 2.e3, and whatever, just to find a game. Actually I had already stopped looking for an advantage. I just wanted to get a game and even this was becoming more and more difficult. There is a clear demand from the chess fans in general who are disappointed by the statistics that reflect a huge number of draws but for me, the problem is not with the draws but the content of the games. I would like to clarify here that I am only talking about top level chess. For amateurs and club players this is not a problem at all. So I am not saying it has to be implemented everywhere. I mean, it is just a choice, to play with or without castling, and it doesn't have to necessarily substitute regular chess. But I was thinking more about getting back the interest in top level chess that has declined over time, because you know, the top level is sort of the face of chess. Again, there is clearly a demand for this as you can see Fischer random chess becoming more and more popular but Fischer random has its own problems. In my personal opinion I think No-Castling chess is a simpler and more efficient solution.

Chess variants are slowly becoming more popular, this is evident from the fact that the first FIDE World Fischer Random Chess Championship was held this year in Norway | Photo: Lennart Ootes

SS: I have one question on this front. You stopped playing chess somewhere in January. Did you start thinking about all these after you stopped playing or has it been in your mind before that?

VK: Long before. Actually, I started to think about it back in 2001 already. I remember mentioning it to some players including Peter Svidler. I don't know if they remember it but it was already starting to get unpleasant back then, the amount of problems one faced to get a game was of course nothing compared to what it is now but still it was substantial. My first idea was to introduce a pairing of openings but this obviously won't work anymore because at the top level everyone seems to know everything! The idea of tweaking the rules a bit occured to me a few years back but firstly since I was still into competitive chess I simply didn't get the time to work on it, and secondly I needed an opportunity to check the idea carefully with certain force. I am lucky in this regard that I had the opportunity to work with DeepMind and Alpha-Zero. I wanted to be serious about what I am proposing. I wanted to check it carefully, see the games, patterns, and statistics and only then bring it to the public. I have been working with other possible variants as well and they might even be more entertaining in some ways but No-Castling is by far the simplest. You see, if we pretend for a moment that we are learning the game of chess for the first time in life, then it is only the rule of castling that doesn't seem to make any sense. It is the only move in the entire game that involves two pieces and for no definite reasons. It is possible to make sense of en passant even because it sort of makes the game more dynamic, without the en passant rule it would be quite easy to force closed pawn structures, but castling is a very absurd move and it doesn't add to the game at all, it doesn't make it better and only makes it different. The rule of castling didn't exist originally and historically came into being much later during the 15th century or so. There are only two explanation that I can think of behind its invention. One explanation is that many centuries ago people were not that strong at chess and castling was probably a way to prolong the game, to slow it down because otherwise a game could be over in just 15 moves with a direct attack. My second theory is funnier and more political, you know chess was for many centuries considered more as a war than a game and so in a way it was one of the means to teach people how to make war and perhaps castling was invented to explain everyone that in a war first of all you have to take care of the king. The king's safety is always the first priority even if that means he can actually escape the battlefield in a strange and unjust sort of way. This is a strange story but it might have some truth behind it. Of course, somebody invented casting and somebody implemented it, so there has to be a reason behind it. So in a way this No-Castling chess makes the rules of chess more logical. It is not only simpler but also more logical to not have the right to castle.

SS: After you started working with DeepMind, at what point did you think that No-Castling chess was good to go out to the public?

VK: I was convinced even before checking it with this monster AlphaZero that No-Castling would only make the game more dynamic. First of all, every opening theory goes out of the window in this variant of chess right from move one. It is hard to say which is the best move to start with 1.e4, 1.d4, or 1.c4. In fact, I think 1.f4 makes a lot of sense under this new circumstances as it allows you to go for the quick Nf3-g3-Bg2-Rf1-Kf2-Kg1 (laughs). I don't know 1.f4 might as well be the best move here but the point is it completely destroys all theory! The main criticism I have received of this variant is that it is too simple and the new theory would develop very quickly. Now I can guarantee you that this won't happen so easily, this isn't the case. For example, suppose after 1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nf6 I play the move 3.h3, I am sure that both sides will play a new game after this but the point is it doesn't surprise your opponent or create a new pattern. You can try some unusual move like this in virtually every opening to have a game but you in fact don't have a game because you don't create any new patterns. After 3.h3 anyone will be able to continue logically with 3...c5 followed by Nc6. The problem is not the concrete moves but the patterns which are very well-known but once you change the rules and disallow castling all of these changes, I mean all these pawn structures start to take a whole new meaning. I have seen the games and I can tell you nothing is the same. It is easy to find concrete lines using an engine but it isn't easy to establish general standards and I would say it would take a good thirty or forty years for that to happen. In this scenario you can certainly have equal positions but it is a different kind of equality, it is nonstandard. But let's say if you get an even position out of a Queen's Gambit with symmetrical pawn structure then most likely the game will end in a draw. But here with the kings in the center it is totally a new situation, you have to create your own plans from scratch. Also no castling makes the game objectively more complex, it keeps a lot of options open and you have to decide whether you want to take your king to the kingside or queenside or you just want to leave it in the middle. Moreover, you have to also figure out a plan to connect your rooks. No-castling chess is closest to regular chess in a way and at the same time it concretely eliminates all theory and not just for two or three years I assure you, but for tens of years. More importantly, it is very easy to play, you might as well go inside a normal tournament and make a gentlemanly agreement with your opponent that you don't want to castle.

SS: These are very deep insights coming from you. You have obviously understood and analysed this variant of chess very deeply and we are excited to see it in action. So maybe we can look into a game and understand how it works in practice?

VK:(Kramnik goes on to show a very interesting game in No-Castling chess of Alpha-zero against itself and draws attention to some specific moments where he thinks the variant is markedly different from the regular version)

Alpha Zero versus Alpha Zero, No-Castling Chess, 2019

The Artificial Intelligence was given the following position to start with (A Queen's Gambit Accepted). The idea was to experiment with all kinds of opening and get as broad a picture as possible.
10.Ke1-f1 is the point where the game starts to take a sharp turn. As castling isn't allowed White chooses to secure its king on g1 and develop the h1 rook to h3!
White could have gone 17.Bxh5+ right away but that leads to some really unclear positions as Black gets a semi-open h-file at the same time highly active pieces.
The beginning of inhuman complications. Black went gxh5 here opening up the position, a safer alternative obviously would have been g5.
Although the queens are about to be exchanged but it doesn't really calm down the position as the black king is clearly under fire! The evaluation of this position is extremely unclear at least from a human standpoint.
28.NxPf6!! - the show is far from over even after the queens are off the board.
How To Castle Kingside On Game Pigeon
And then comes the spectacular 30.Nd1! with the idea of rerouting the knight to e3 and once again fighting for the advantage.
36...Rc2! - AlphaZero plays the only move at the end of a long sequence that keeps the balance. Now the g2 pawn falls and Black gets sufficient counterplay with its extra pawns.

Check out the full game below with detailed analyses of some amazing lines shown by the seminal AI:

SS: So you think organizers should already go ahead get some players and try out this new format of the game?

VK: Of course, they can if they want to, I don't insist. But you know, I have actually met many organizers who were worried about the increasing number of draws in the game of chess so of course, they can go ahead and try it out, why not! Also I don't think there should be any issue in rating games of chess played in this new format because it is exactly the same chess except that you play here from move 1 instead of move 20! But more importantly I would like people to try it out at home, in friendly blitz games, so that we get more feedback about it. I would really appreciate it if people gave their feedback to me, not only in general but after actually playing some games in it. I believe this version is by no means less than Fischer random or for that matter even standard chess.

SS: Well, thank you Vladimir for presenting this to us. A final question to you, if suppose such a tournament were to be held where No-Castling was introduced. Would you be interested in playing it, now that you have retired from competitive chess?

VK: For this particular case, I have to say I will make an exception. Normally I am not planning to play in any classical event, not even in rapid but for No-Castling chess, yes I will consider. I really hope that there will some open tournaments or may be in a normal tournament some players will decide to play against the rules. It can be done and it would still be rated. Everybody is welcome to try it and then we will see.

Even retired players like Garry Kasparov can try their hands in No-Castling chess. They certainly won't have to worry about catching up with the latest and greatest openings while playing this variant | Photo: Lennart Ootes

SS: Thank you so much Vladimir for speaking to us. We really hope that this variant of chess will catch up and a lot of people will try it out!

VK: Thank you for having me and asking these questions. If there will be any other feedbacks or any other questions, you are welcomed to get in touch.

Listen to the 14th World Champion Vladimir Kramnik sharing his unique insights on No-Castling chess. Do you think this can be a viable alternative to regular chess just like Fischer random? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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Delaware Hunting

Prohibited Methods of Take – It is unlawful to:


  • Hunt out-of-season, without a license, take more than the daily limit, or possess unlawfully killed game.
  • Hunt within 100 yards of an occupied structure (unless hunter is the owner or occupant, or has permission from the owner or occupant) or drop shot on buildings or people. When hunting deer with archery equipment, a hunter must be at least 50 yards from a structure. In New Castle County, north of I-295 and I-95 the distance is 200 yards when hunting with a firearm.
  • Discharge any firearm from or within 15 yards of public road or shoot across a public road or right-of-way.
  • Trespass with gun or dog or trap on private property without prior permission of the landowner whether or not the land is “posted.”
  • Damage any nest, den, or lair of game animals or birds.
  • Use an artificial light to illuminate wildlife from a motor vehicle for the purpose of hunting or observation.
  • Use night vision or infrared devices while hunting.
  • For specifics on waterfowl and other migratory birds, see Federal Regulations at

Firearms and Archery Equipment

  • Have a loaded firearm, or a cocked crossbow, in or on a motorboat while underway, or in, against, or on a motor vehicle or farm machinery.
  • Transport a muzzleloader with a charge in the barrel unless the cap or primer is removed and the gun is enclosed in a case or the striking mechanism is removed.
  • Hunt at night (1/2 hour after sunset to 1/2 hour before sunrise) except that frogs, raccoons and opossum may be hunted at night using a handheld light.
  • Take game using a shotgun larger than 10 gauge, a fully automatic loading gun (machine gun), or use a centerfire rifle, except groundhogs, foxes and coyotes may be hunted with a centerfire rifle.
  • Use a shot larger than No. 2, except when hunting deer. Waterfowl hunters may use non-toxic shot up to size T.
  • Use a shotgun capable of holding more than three shells in total except for snow geese during the Conservation Order.
  • Use poison or explosive tip arrows.
  • Use a punt or swivel gun or any gun not normally fired from the shoulder.


  • Use a trap, snare, pitfall, deadfall, cage, net, pen, baited hook, baited field, drug, poison, chemical or explosive to take game, except that muskrats, mink, otter, raccoons, opossum, rabbits , groundhogs, red foxes, coyotes and beavers may be trapped as permitted by law.
  • Hunt muskrats with a dog.
  • Shoot or take muskrats or otters except by trap.


How To Castle Kingside On Game Pigeon Tn

  • Sell, trade, or barter any game or any parts thereof, except as permitted by law. Hunters shipping lawfully taken game shall first obtain a notarized affidavit stating the game was lawfully killed, and include the name of the sender and the number of animals enclosed.
  • Shoot hawks, owls, or other wild birds, except lawfully hunted game birds, house sparrows or starlings.
  • Possess live protected game animals.
  • Obtain live rabbits from out-of-state without a health certificate.
  • Permit dogs to run at large at any time. (Except landowners of 20 acres or more may permit their dogs to run from October 1 through February 28 on their own land.)
  • Allow dogs to run at large between the hours of sunset and sunrise by any person on any day. All dogs must be licensed.
  • Use bait to hunt game, except bait may be used to hunt deer on privately-owned lands.
  • It shall be unlawful to release swine (pigs) into the wild, charge a fee for the purpose of killing swine, or shoot swine without first obtaining a permit from the Division.
  • It shall be unlawful to use antler traps, or any device intended to remove or collect shed antlers from deer.

Legal Methods of Take:

Squirrel, Rabbit, Pheasant, Quail: Longbow or shotgun using no larger than No. 2 shot. Shotguns must be plugged to hold only 3 shells (in chamber and magazine combined). Additionally, squirrels only may be hunted with .17 through .22 caliber rimfire or pellet firearm with a rifled barrel or a muzzleloader rifle of not larger than .36 caliber firing a round projectile.

Snapping Turtles: May be taken with gig, trap, net or spear.

Frogs: May be taken with spear, gig, or hook.

Deer: Compound, recurve, longbow, and Crossbow using sharpened broadhead arrows (min. width 7/8”).

Shotgun no smaller than 20 gauge for deer hunting using rifle slug, pumpkin ball or buckshot and must be plugged to hold only 3 shells (in chamber and magazine combined). It is unlawful to carry buckshot, rifle slug or pumpkin ball except while hunting for deer, and conversely, it is also unlawful to carry shot smaller than buckshot while deer hunting.

Muzzleloader no smaller than .42 caliber with a barrel length of at least 20 inches.

Handguns are limited to revolvers and single shot pistols with a barrel length of at least 5.75 inches and no longer than 12.5 inches and chambered for and using straight-wall handgun ammunition in .357 to .38 caliber with a cartridge case length of no less than 1.25 inches and a maximum case length of 1.82 inches, or in .41 caliber to a maximum of .50 caliber and a maximum case length of 1.82 inches.

How To Castle Kingside On Game Pigeon

Straight-walled pistol-caliber rifles may only be used to harvest deer. For more information on these firearms, as well as restrictions on allowable cartridges, see Deer Hunting.

Miscellaneous Provisions:

Bullfrogs may be sold.

Deer killed by motor vehicle may be retained by the motorist killing the deer upon official tagging by the State Police or Division personnel.


Hunt: “Hunt” shall mean to chase, pursue, kill, trap, take, or attempt to chase, pursue, kill, trap, or take any form of wildlife.

Possession: “Possession” in addition to its ordinary meaning includes the location in or about the defendant’s person, premises, belongings, vehicle or otherwise within his reasonable control.

Seasons: “Seasons” shall be that period of time during which designated species of wildlife may be lawfully hunted pursuant to the regulations of the Department. It shall be unlawful to hunt those species of wildlife for which a “season” is designated at any time other than during that “season.”

Wildlife: “Wildlife” shall be any animal species not commonly under the domestication of man and including but not limited to those animals defined by statute as “game” or “protected wildlife.”

“Antlered Deer” shall mean any deer with one or more antlers three inches long or longer, measured from the base of the antler where it joins the skull to the tip of the antler following any curve of the antler.

“Antlerless Deer” shall mean any deer that has no antlers or antlers less than three inches in length.


Longbow: “Longbow” shall mean a straight limb, reflex, recurve or compound bow. All crossbows or variations thereof and mechanical holding and releasing devices are expressly excluded from the definition.


Contact the Division of Fish & Wildlife Operation Game Theft Hotline Toll-Free at 1-800-292-3030 anytime, 24 hours a day. You will be given an OGT Case Number. You do not need to give your name at this time. From this phone call, a Fish & Wildlife Natural Resources Police Officer will be dispatched or will return your call. Wildlife offenses need to be investigated immediately by an officer if there is to be a chance of making an arrest. The longer the delay in getting information to the agent, the smaller the chances of obtaining an arrest and conviction.


It is the desire of the Division of Fish & Wildlife to continue to provide the highest level of service to the public using our wildlife areas, boating access areas, ponds, and marine resources. The management of the Division of Fish & Wildlife invites comments or suggestions on the operation of our wildlife areas, wildlife management programs, wildlife laws and regulations, or any problems encountered with Division employees. To voice a comment or offer a suggestion, you may contact the office of the Director of Fish and Wildlife at (302) 739-9910 or write to the Director of Fish and Wildlife at 89 Kings Highway, Dover, Delaware 19901. Your comments or suggestions will be forwarded to the proper individual for consideration.


Delaware landowners hold over 80% of the land in Delaware, making them powerful decision-makers when it comes to land development and conservation. As land development increases, so does the pressure on wildlife habitat, species, and natural resources. Conservation efforts made by landowners are necessary to ensure healthy ecosystems and wildlife populations that future generations are entitled to enjoy. To support landowners in this effort, many state and federal agencies offer incentive programs with technical and financial assistance available to restore or enhance wildlife habitat. There are several programs available within DNREC that aim to engage landowners in conservation efforts. DNREC also partners with federal and private organizations to achieve the same goal of conserving natural resources for a more livable Delaware.

For more information regarding these programs and habitat improvements for non-game species and quail, contact Jason Davis at (302) 735-3606.

It is unlawful to hunt on Sunday,

Except to chase red fox in season, on commercial shooting preserves, and to hunt deer on private land and designated publicly-owned lands.

Local ordinances may be more restrictive than state laws. Check before hunting within incorporated areas.

Operation Game Theft Information

What is “Operation Game Theft”?

The Operation Game Theft Fund was established by the 130th General Assembly to assist in the apprehension and conviction of game law violators. The fund is comprised of all the fines levied for violation of game laws in this state and donations. The Legislature delegated the authority to the Division of Fish & Wildlife to designate offenses for which rewards will be paid and the amount of the reward.

How To Castle On Game Pigeon

What types of offenses are covered under the O.G.T. Program?

Up to $1,000.00 can be rewarded for information leading to the arrest and conviction of a person(s) involved in:

Class 1 – Reward up to $1,000.00

  1. Commercialization of Wildlife.
  2. Killing of an endangered/threatened species.

Class 2 – Reward up to $500.00

  1. Over limit of black ducks, canvasbacks, turkeys or Canada geese.
  2. Poisoning wildlife.
  3. Interstate transportation of illegally taken wildlife.
  4. Gross over limits of wildlife.
  5. Illegally hunting or trapping on a state game refuge.
  6. Hunting/Trapping out of season.
  7. Possessing, tending or setting killer traps with a jaw spread in excess of 5 inches.
  8. Illegally hunting at night.

Class 3 – Reward: up to $100.00

  1. Hunting with an illegal type of weapon.
  2. Hunting from a motor vehicle.

Note: An additional $100 reward will be given by the Delaware Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone illegally killing a wild turkey in Delaware.

How do I get paid?

You will be paid in cash by the agent to whom you gave your name.

Will my identity be confidential?


Will I get paid for any information that I provide?

No. Only information which leads to the arrest and conviction of a violator. (Specific offenses covered)

To report game law violations call: